samedi 11 septembre 2021

Comment Grothendieck n'est pas devenu physicien...

... mais mathématicien, (faute de moyen matériel ?)


Surtout après l’expérience de la guerre et du camp de concentration, en butte à des discriminations et préjugés qui semblaient défier la raison même la plus rudimentaire, ce qui me fascinait surtout dans l’activité mathématique ...c’était ce pouvoir qu’elle donnait, par la vertu d’une simple démonstration, d’emporter l’adhésion même la plus réticente, de forcer l’assentiment d’autrui en somme, qu’il soit bien disposé ou non — pour peu seulement qu’il accepte avec moi les “règles du jeu” mathématique. 
... plus tard, séduit par le prestige soudain de la physique atomique, c’est pourtant pour des études de physique que je me suis d’abord inscrit à l’ Université de Montpellier, avec l’idée de m’initier aux mystères de la structure de la matière et de la nature de l’énergie. Mais j’ai vite compris que si je voulais m’initier à des mystères, ce n’était pas en suivant les cours de la Fac que j’y arriverais, mais en travaillant par mes propres moyens, seul, avec ou sans livres. Comme je n’avais pas le flair, ni l’appareillage, pour apprendre la physique de cette façon-là ; j’ai renvoyé la chose à des temps plus propices, me suis alors mis à faire des maths, tout en suivant "de loin" quelques cours, dont aucun ne pouvait me satisfaire, ni m’apporter rien au delà de ce que je pouvais trouver dans les manuels courants.


vendredi 10 septembre 2021

What is the role of Mathematics?

The role of the mathematician is to create concepts and...


Let me take one instance, the notion of truth, in order to illustrate what I mean. We all have in mind that something is either true or false. If we attend a debate on politics or another controversial topic, we are prone to say that this guy is right and that guy is wrong and that’s our way of making a judgement. Now, it turns out that probably we should be more advanced at the level of the formalisation of the idea of truth. In fact, there is a mathematical concept which has been created by A. Grothendieck which is the concept of topos and which has, thanks to contributions of F.W. Lawvere, a far more sophisticated notion of truth [read transcript of the video below about topos]. Technically the “truth values” form an object of the topos and this object classifies sub-objects exactly like the characteristic function (which takes values in the two point set “True, False”) of a subset does in the case of the topos of sets. Thus for this simplest topos something is true or false. But as soon as you take a slightly more involved topos, such as the topos of quivers, you get a much more refined notion of truth values and in the case of quivers it involves "making mistakes, corrections, checking" as fundamental parts of the structure. From this example, you witness that mathematics is a factory of concepts which are extremely rich, which are subtle and which of course are hard to grasp by the public in general due to their mathematical precise and involved formulation. This lack of grasp by the public holds at a certain time in the history of civilisation but I believe that in later years these concepts will become common. This sophisticated notion of truth has, by the way, nothing to do with probabilities. It’s a very beautiful and precise notion developed by a great genius of me, this is the role of mathematics: fabricate concepts and facilitate the process by which the public acquires them. That’s it.

Alain Connes mathematcian, interviewed by a theoretical physicist Jay Armas in Conversations on Quantum Gravity

Transcription of an extract in French:


mardi 8 juin 2021

Is [doing mathematics, doing physics]?

I try to use the information from physics as very sophisticated computations that physicists do that are tested by experiments and that somehow reveal if one looks at them carefully enough from a matehmatical point of view reveal amazinsingly beautiful structure

 Alain Connes (

-Do you have a preference for mathematics over physics?
-“My heart lies with both.”